Annual Topics

Annual Topic 2023
Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg (WFBB), Potsdam, Germany

Pathways of Greening Labour Markets. Opportunities and Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Market Observation in Europe and beyond

The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the main long-term policy goals of the European Union and individual European states. This is impacting on a broad range of political activities and policies as it is defined in particular by the environmental taxonomy regulation of the EU. This green transformation will affect a lot of areas of the labour market, requiring new skills and qualifications and impacting the nature and geographic location of employer demand.

Annual Topic 2022
Eurispes, Sardinia, Italy

The Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital and Green Transformation of Regional and Local Labour Markets across Europe. Perspectives on Employment, Training, Placement and Social Inclusion.

The “Decade of Action” to achieve sustainable development requires an appropriate functionality of regional and local labour markets as primary players of the digital and green transformation towards this shared strategic goal. The digital and green transformation of regional and local labour markets in Europe sets a fundamental orientation towards the future, which at the same time has to cope with existing challenges, some of which have been intensified by the pandemic.

Annual Topic 2021
West University of Timisoara, Romania/Hybrid

Transformations of Local and Regional Labour Markets across Europe in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic times. Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Marekt Observatories

The COVID-19 health crisis has turned into a global economic crisis, putting at risk the health, jobs, and incomes of millions of people around the world. The real economic impact dimension of the pandemic is unknown yet, but what we already know is that the impact is already different at the  regional, and even local levels. Implicitly the consequences for the labour market will follow the same pattern, having heterogeneous effects according to the different industrial branches and  the level of jobs affected by restrictive measures.

Annual Topic 2020

The Importance of SMEs as Innovators of Sustainable Inclusive Employment: New Evidence from Regional Labour Markets

SMEs are the backbone of the European economy, but in regional and local labour market monitoring approaches their specificities are not yet well considered. As SMEs have to compete with larger companies for human resources, they develop creative strategies for recruiting and retaining employees. This overall flexible approach proves to be a good tactic for staying in business, e.g. during a pandemic.

Annual Topic 2019
Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

Assessing Informal Employment and Skills Needs: Approaches and Insights from Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring

The scope of informal economy and the forms of informal employment differ greatly between countries. Therefore, studying the role of informal employment in the labour market from a comparative perspective provides important insights into economic and social developments in regions and localities.

Annual Topic 2018
Marchmont Employment and Skills Observatory, University of Exeter, UK

Developing Skills in a Changing World of Work: Concepts, Measurement and Data Applied in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring Across Europe

The world of work is changing fundamentally and quickly as a result of technological transformation, demographic development and globalisation. Labour market actors at regional and local level need to know which skills, competences and know-how are required from the labour force so that they can set up their strategies in line with the future developments.

Annual Topic 2017
German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Tirana, Albania

The Importance of Governance in Regional Labour Market Monitoring for Evidence-based Policy-making

Information resulting from the monitoring of labour markets is an important source for evidence-based policy-making. However, local and regional labour market observatories often find it difficult to impart their information and knowledge to decision-makers so that it can be incorporated into the policy-making process.

Annual Topic 2016
TE Services Lapland, Northern Cooporation of Foresight, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland

Digital (R)evolution and Its Effects on Labour: Opportunities and Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring

Megatrends such as demographic change, globalisation and digitalisation influence all societal spheres, be it the economy, labour market, education or culture. Consequently, it is important to estimate how strong these effects are and collect qualitative information on the nature of their impact. Whilst the effects of demographic change and globalisation have already been broadly discussed, changes resulting from digital transformation have scarcely been reflected upon systematically, especially in the case of labour markets.

Annual Topic 2015
Interuniversity Research Centre for Public Services (CRISP), Milan, Italy

Big Data and the Complexity of Labour Market Policies: New Approaches in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring for Reducing Skills Mismatches

The experience of regional and local labour market observatories shows that information on some aspects of the labour market – such as the demand for skilled labour in certain sectors or spatial units – is difficult to obtain. In the recent years, ICT-related innovations have created new forms and types of data that can be used for enhancing the efficiency in several areas of economic activity. So far, the vast amount of unstructured data contained in the World Wide Web – Big Data – has been largely unexploited.

Annual Topic 2014
Institute of Economics, Labour and Culture (IWAK), Goethe-University, Frankfurt/M., Germany

Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Employment: Approaches to Measuring Sustainability in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring

In the past years, sustainability has again become a theme in both academic and political discourses. Even though they often focus on green(ing) jobs and skills as recently emerged policy fields, also the different aspects of sustainable employment are increasingly receiving attention.

Annual Topic 2013
Prospektiker, University of Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain

Shifting Roles and Functions of Regional and Local Labour Market Observatories Across Europe

Over the years, regional and local labour market observatories have provided reliable and targeted labour market information and intelligence for regional and local decision-makers. Recent developments show that they are increasingly expected to fulfil tasks beyond mere data provision and analysis. Hence, they are emerging as interpreters, evaluators and mediators in regional and local governance and development efforts. Their participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation processes creates spaces for new alliances, cooperations and networks.

Annual Topic 2012
Regional Labour Office Cracow, Labour Market and Education Observatory of Malopolska, Cracow, Poland

Skills Monitoring in European Regions and Localities: State of the Art and Perspectives

Transparency on the supply and demand of skills in a locality or region is crucial for employees, unemployed, training and placement organisations, as well as for enterprises and labour politics as all of these actors are influential for effective skills matching. In recent years, in numerous regions across Europe, skills monitoring has been implemented to provide this transparency. This anthology gives a broad overview on different approaches and good practice examples in regional or local skills monitoring. It also demonstrates how regional or local framework conditions can influence the implementation of specific concepts within skills monitoring.

Annual Topic 2011
Luxembourg Institute of Socio Economic Research (CEPS/INSTEAD), Luxembourg

Measuring Geographical Mobility in Regional Labour Market Monitoring: State of the Art and Perspectives

Geographical mobility in Europe is a chance and a challenge for regional labour markets. There is an unknown potential for the economy as foreign labour markets may provide qualified workers and the freedom of movement brings more flexibility. On the other hand, national and regional politics face the challenge of developing systematic approaches for enhancing mobility and managing its consequences. Transparency of migration flows, a sound database and substantiated knowledge about geographical mobility is the prerequisite for all actors.

Annual Topic 2010
Centre D’Études et de Recherches sur les Qualifications (CÉREQ), Marseille, France

Regional Monitoring Approaches for the Reduction and the Prevention of Youth Unemployment in Europe

Fighting unemployment, especially among the young, is an important goal of many actors working at the regional labour market level. The transparency of the processes of the regional labour market is an important prerequisite for the systematic application of measures and other strategies to help reducing youth unemployment. With the instruments of regional labour market monitoring, a high degree of transparency can be continuously maintained.

Annual Topic 2009
Arbetsförmedlingen Swedish Public Employment Service, Copenhagen, Denmark

Information Systems for Regional Labour Market Monitoring: State of the Art and Perspectives

Regional labour market monitoring based on web-based labour market information systems is becoming increasingly more common. Two general types of systems can be distinguished. The first are regionally-based information tools and secondly, national systems with regional sub-divisions.

Annual Topic 2008
An Foras Áiseanna Saothair Training and Employment Authority (FÁS), Dublin, Ireland

Target Group Monitoring in European Regions: Empirical Findings and Conceptual Approaches

Target Group Monitoring is a regional approach to generate data to cover adequately the information needs of labour market actors. Applied onto migrants as a target group of labour market politics, the central elements of these approaches need to be discussed with respect to their suitability for other target groups, such as older or young employees, low-skilled and skilled workers.

Annual Topic 2007
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Monitoring of Regional Labour Markets in European States: Concepts–Experiences–Perspectives

Regional factors are important for the economy and employment in highly competitive, international markets. As a precondition for the functioning of regional labour markets, adequate information has to be generated and transformed into new knowledge – for all actors involved. Regional Labour Market Monitoring can be seen as an approach to meet these requirements.