The Skills Panorama – Achieving Regional and Local Impact (ARLI)

ARLI seeks to improve skills governance and provision of labour market intelligence at European, national, regional and local level, enhancing the involved stakeholders’ ability to anticipate skills supply and demand.

An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs prioritises equipping people with the right skills for employment. To improve transparency for jobseekers, workers, companies and public institutions, the European Commission has established the EU Skills Panorama. It collects data and analyses on current and future skills supply and labour market needs. So far, the EU Skills Panorama has focused upon data and intelligence at national and sectoral level. However, much excellent skills and labour market intelligence already exists at regional and local level within the EU Member States.

ARLI will explore how existing regional and local provision of labour market intelligence can be enhanced for stakeholders through interrelation with the EU Skills Panorama.

Start date: 1 April 2013
End date: 31 March 2014


ARLI’s goal is to interrelate the existing regional and local labour market intelligence with the EU Skills Panorama development. The project will support and improve the usage of the EU Skills Panorama by exploring how regional and local labour market observatories (and their equivalents) can embrace it and build it into their own policy development mechanisms and into their systems for informing their stakeholders, social partners, citizens and employers about their labour markets. This will be done through mutual learning and developing a best practice approach to interrelation. The insights will be disseminated through the European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring (EN RLMM), which brings together the (regional and local) labour market intelligence expertise within the EU. Thus, it is the perfect vehicle to facilitate this action.

The project addresses a great number of organisations and institutions within following categories:

  • The EU Skills Panorama team and its audience
  • Skills forecasting and labour market analysis organisations (such as observatories) at national, regional and local level
  • Stakeholder organisations, including political parties, trade unions, employers’ representatives, regional and local governments, NGOs, training providers and citizens’ groups, etc.


ARLI will embrace the Open Method of Co-operation, setting common objectives and agreeing to common indicators for measuring progress. The methodology utilises a number of different methods of intelligence gathering, policy-sharing and mutual learning. Based on a stakeholder interviews in six participating countries, national stakeholder and expert workshops and capturing of good practice examples, series if project reports will inform about how regional and local labour market observatories can interrelate their forecasting policy support with that of the Panorama, and how they can further assist the Panorama in achieving impact with citizens, employers, social partners and policy-makers. The project team is regularly liaising with the EU Skills Panorama team to further explore how they can support its further development and impact.

The preliminary results of the project activities will be presented at the European Day – a conference of the Initiative Networking Regional and Local Labour Market Observatories Across Europe within the European Network on Regional and Labour Market Monitoring. The final results of the research and the exchange with different stakeholders will be presented in April 2014 at an international conference in Brussels.


Demand for Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) in European regions and localities

The need for and use of Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) varies in European regions and localities. Also, various labour market actors need different kind of information. The following Country Reports describe the provision of LMI in six European regions as well as the potential of the European Skills Panorama as a single LMI entry point for regional actors: the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom.

The Demand-Side Synthesis Report brings together the different regional perspectives from the six countries. It describes and analyses the specific regional Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) infrastructure for the six project countries in relation to regional and local stakeholders’ demand for LMI. Furthermore, it explores to what extent the LMI provided by the EUSP could be used by stakeholders in European regions and localities.

For policy-makers, the overview Demand for Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) and Medium-term Future Skills Requirements is available (December 2013). This research bulletin presents findings about the demand for LMI on anticipated skills requirements and the availability and type of data used to support forecasts of future skills requirements at the regional level.

Good Practice Examples for Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) Tools in European regions and localities

There are many food practice examples LMI tools which take into account the information needs of regional and local actors. The following Compendium of Good Practice Examples comprises 37 examples from 11 European countries. The Synthesis Report of Good Practices describes the main characteristics of successful LMI tools presented in the compendium and analyses their value added to the regional/local LMI structure.

The policy-makers can refer to the Good Practice Approaches to Explore Existing Regional and Local Provision of Skills Forecasting (March 2013). This research bulletin for summarises examples of good practice in regional and local provision of skills forecasting. It explores how existing regional and local skills forecasting can be improved, including by a better relationship with the EU Skills Panorama.

EU Skills Panorama

The European Commission has established the EU Skills Panorama, which seeks to improve transparency for jobseekers, workers, companies and/or public institutions by forecasting skills supply and labour market needs. The EU Skills Panorama will bring together different sources from EU Member States and the sectoral level on current and future skills needs making it esier for users to see which skills they need to invest in that are most relevant to the labour market.

The EU Skills Panorama provides information and intelligence that can:

  • Help improve the capacity for skills assessment and anticipation.
  • Help the anticipation of skills needs; improving the responsiveness of education and training systems bodies and enhancing the matching of supply and demand for labour across Europe.

The EU Skills Panorama will widen the audience for labour market information and skills research across Europe through:

  • Providing access to LMI.
  • Providing users with access to information about the methodologies used to generate LMI.
  • Understanding and responding to users’ needs.

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