
Making research and application in the field of regional/local labour market internationally visible

Since 2007 every year, the members of the EN RLMM work on a common topic with the aim to further our approaches to labour market monitoring. Around November and December of each year, a Call for Papers (CfP) is issued that announces the topic of the following year for the anthology and the annual meeting. Everybody is invited to participate and answer the CfP.



Transformations of Local and Regional Labour Markets across Europe in Pandemic and Post-pandemic times. Challenges for regional and local observatories

The COVID-19 health crisis has turned into a global economic crisis, putting at risk the health, jobs, and incomes of millions of people around the world. The real economic impact dimension of the pandemic is unknown yet, but what we already know is that the impact is already different at the  regional, and even local levels. Implicitly the consequences for the labour market will follow the same pattern, having heterogeneous effects according to the different industrial branches and  the level of jobs affected by restrictive measures.

The different level and speed of labour market disruption at the regional and local level requires different measures and adaptative policies based on real-time evidence. For that purpose, regional and local labour market observatories are most appropriate instruments to further provide broad, reliable, and targeted information on the current and future developments of the labour markets in their region or locality for policy decision makers.


The Importance of SMEs as Innovators of Sustainable Inclusive Employment: New Evidence from Regional Labour Markets

SMEs are the backbone of the European economy, but in regional and local labour market monitoring approaches their specificities are not yet well considered. As SMEs have to compete with larger companies for human resources, they develop creative strategies for recruiting and retaining employees. This overall flexible approach proves to be a good tactic for staying in business, e.g. during a pandemic.
This publication delivers insights on the statistical relevance of SMEs and their importance for the functioning of regional and local labour markets. Additionally, it offers an organisational perspective on specific conditions for human resource management within European, national, regional and local policy frameworks. Most of the contributions in this anthology show insights drawn from the current COVID-19 pandemic. This perspective leads to further discussions on how these insights can be used to develop new concepts for regional and local labour market monitoring beyond the pandemic.


Assessing Informal Employment and Skills Needs: Approaches and Insights from Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring

Christa Larsen/Sigrid Rand/Alfons Schmid/Vyacheslav Bobkov/Vyacheslav Lokosov (Eds.)

The scope of informal economy and the forms of informal employment differ greatly between countries. Therefore, studying the role of informal employment in the labour market from a comparative perspective provides important insights into economic and social developments in regions and localities. The present publication discusses various concepts and definitions for capturing and analysing informal employment. Furthermore, it demonstrates how a broad variety of methods can be applied for conducting research on informal employment and explores the available data sources. Besides presenting innovative conceptual and methodological approaches towards analysing informal employment, the Anthology of the European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring (EN RLMM) discusses how these insights can be used for developing the Network’s concept for regional and local labour market monitoring (RLMM) further.

Working Papers


EN RLMM Working Paper No. 2: Lessons for Local and Regional Skills Forecasting Arising from the Work of the EN RLMMM in Relation to the EU Skills Panorama

 This paper seeks to identify lessons arising for local and regional forecasting systems that have been identified through the work of the EU funded project ARLI (The EU-Skills Panorama: Achieving Regional and Local Impact). The project’s aim was to influence the development of the EU Skills Panorama and was, unusually, particularly close to ongoing European Commission activity with strong links into the relevant Directorate. The EU Skills Panorama was envisaged initially as the EU portal providing information about recent and future trends in labour market and skill needs. This was failing to make a significant impact, and the project sought to nuance where and how it could evolve to help inform the work of experts at the regional and local levels. This involved interrelating the EU Skills Panorama content and approach with that of local and regional LMI experts with the intention of achieving greatly enhanced impact and added value for all concerned.
A further aim was to explore how existing regional and local provision of skills forecasting could be enhanced for stakeholders. This issue was addressed through a good practice approach as well as interrelation with the EU Skills Panorama.


EN RLMM Working Paper No. 1: The Directions of the Development of the VET System in Poland

 The aim of this paper is to describe and discuss the evolution, the current state and the perspectives of the vocational education and training (VET) system in Poland. In the period of the economic slowdown in Poland and the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crisis in several EU Member States, the need for structural reforms, including the reform of the vocational education and training is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, in the paper the special attention has been paid to the links between the education and labour markets in view of the signalled difficulties in smoothing the transition of VET graduates from schooling to work. The paper identifies the needs of Polish employers in relation to vocational training and puts forward some propositions for policy makers in order to improve the employability of VET graduates.