Within the EN RLMM, all network members are invited to join the Annual Meeting, which is hosted by a different Network Member every year. The Annual Meetings cover topical issues in labour market research with a particular focus on the regions and localities and brings together researchers and practitioners who explore the state-of-the art in the field of labour market monitoring.
Typically, the Annual Meeting is combined with a further one-day conference entitled the European Day. As the target group of the event are representatives of regional/local labour market observatories, the focus is on transferring the insights from research into practice. The participants exchange good practice examples in the field of labour market monitoring and discuss their further development as well as transferability to other contexts.
The topics for the Annual Conference and European day are chosen by the Scientific Committee of the EN RLMM. Suggestions for topics can be made to the Scientific Committee at any time via the Secretariat at the Institute for Economics, Labour and Culture (IWAK)/Centre of Goethe University Frankfurt.
Below, you find information on the Annual Meetings and European Days since 2007 including programmes, presentations, recordings and documentation of the events.