Developing Skills in a Changing World of Work: Concepts, Measurement and Data Applied in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring Across Europe

The world of work is changing fundamentally and quickly as a result of technological transformation, demographic development and globalisation. Labour market actors at regional and local level need to know which skills, competences and know-how are required from the labour force so that they can set up their strategies in line with the future developments.

Annual Meeting

Developing Skills in a Changing World of Work: Concepts, Measurement and Data Applied in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring Across Europe

Many European regions and localities experience shortages of skilled labour arising from the growing impact of technological change in conjunction with globalisation and demographic developments. The changing world of work poses new requirements towards the skills  that are needed for acquiring and retaining employability.

The Annual Meeting of the EN RLMM explored the transformation of skills needs in European regions and localities. On 10 September, it focussed on the specific needs of different target groups, such as young people entering the labour market, low and unskilled workers or unemployed. The emphasis was on the availability of data for monitoring such developments and different concepts for operationalising and measuring skills. Furthermore, it addressed the needs for action required from regional and local decision-makers, providers of initial and further education and training and labour market intermediaries.

On 11 September, the focus was on the use of Big Data for studying the changes in the regional and local labour markets and the governance of (vocational) education and training systems in the light of these new insights. Moreover, the changing requirements towards skills and the new learning formats were reflected from the point of view of individuals.

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