The Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital and Green Transformation of Regional and Local Labour Markets across Europe. Perspectives on Employment, Training, Placement and Social Inclusion.
The “Decade of Action” to achieve sustainable development requires an appropriate functionality of regional and local labour markets as primary players of the digital and green transformation towards this shared strategic goal. The digital and green transformation of regional and local labour markets in Europe sets a fundamental orientation towards the future, which at the same time has to cope with existing challenges, some of which have been intensified by the pandemic. In this anthology, the functionalities of AI tools for the improvement of labour market functions, especially in respect to fair and socially sustainable work are explored. It is necessary to systematically specify where there is a need for action and how AI could contribute to solving them. Already known AI solutions should be taken into account and existing gaps should be identified. It is also of interest how the Public Employment Services (PES) could use AI tools to form their “new” role as regional and local nodes for labour market monitoring and consulting of labour market actors.